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8th Grade

Congrats! You are no longer the lowest on the Jr./Sr. High School totem pole! You know how things work and what your teachers expect. This is the year to use the study habits you developed in 7th grade to continue to be successful and get ready for high school. Of course, completing/turning in homework and being prepared for tests and quizzes will increase your chances of being successful! Use your agenda or Google Calendar to write down what assignments are due and when. Remember - "When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!" Do not be afraid to stay after school when you need some extra help.

8th graders continue to take the required: English, Social Studies,Math, Science, Foreign Language, Technology, Family Consumer Science,and Phys. Ed. 8th Graders also take Health and can choose to take Chorus and/or Band. There will be New York State assessments in English, Math and Science during the second semester. There is no longer a state assessment for Social Studies or the Foreign Language Proficiency exam.

In the Spring, students and parents will attend the 9th Grade Orientation Meeting in the evening to go over high school requirements and choose courses for 9th grade