The 2021-22 enacted state budget includes language requiring local education agencies, such as school districts, that receive funding from the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 {ARP-ESSER) to post on its website a plan by school year of how these funds will be spent.
New York has been allocated nearly $9 billion in ARP-ESSER funds, with a minimum of $8.09 billion (90 percent) going to local education agencies, including public schools. Dundee Central School District has been allocated $5,081,670.
Districts are required to prioritize spending on non-recurring expenses in the following areas:
Districts must identify any programs and services that will continue beyond the availability of these federal funds and how local funds will be used moving forward in order to minimize disruption to core academic and other school programs.
This District. The draft plan presented below contains recommendations received from the district Board of Education, faculty, staff, and administration.
Should you have questions about the funding Dundee CSD received through the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or its intended uses please email the Superintendent of Schools