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9th Grade

Freshman Year

In 9th Grade, students will learn how to access career and college information by doing a "Dream Career Essay".  Students will research a career/occupation and learn about such topics as:  Nature of the Work, Working Conditions,Education & Training, Job Outlook, Salary/Earnings, and related occupations.  This information can easily be found on websites listed below or in the Guidance Office.

It is important for students to make the connection between school and the world of work.  The classes they are taking in high school prepare them for their next step in life - Employment, College or the Military.  Typically, the more education a person has, the higher the earning (salary) potential.

The NY Career Zone website is a great resource for students! Students can create an account for themselves and build a "Portfolio"that includes: Abilities, Job Readiness Skills, School Classes, Areas for Growth, After School Activities, Community Service, Work Experience.  The "Interest Profiler" allows you to take a 180 question survey and matches your scores to occupations that match your interests.  The student can then research occupations and colleges.  The end result is an organized Career Plan and/or Resume that displays all the student's own information that can be included in a college or job application.